and parents,
in Paris !

Parent-run nursery school in Paris
The crèche parentale, La Porte entr'ouverte, is a non-profit association run by parents and early childhood professionals. Open to all, this parent-run nursery is governed by the 1901 law and is approved by the services of the PMI (Protection maternelle et infantile). Funding is provided through:
- monthly fees paid by each family, calculated in the same way as for municipal crèches, with a reduction of about 10%
- subsidies from the Ville de Paris and the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF)
The crèche very much depends on the personal investment, availability and mutual support of the parents and the professionals, who have shared aims with regard to the care of the children.
The main goals of La Porte entr'ouverte are:
- To allow children a smooth transition from family life to community life.
- To welcome the child in his individuality while accompanying him in the socialisation with others.
- To establish a better involvement of parents in the life of the creche and to benefit from a real exchange with early childhood professionals.

La Porte entr'ouverte offers:
- a capacity to welcome 16 children between 12 months and 4 years
- a team of early childhood professionals
- a premises specially equipped for young children
- a group of parents actively involved in the life of the nursery
Association life
Each parent who joins the nursery becomes a member of the association and takes on a position either in the bureau (president, secretary, treasurer, etc.) or in one of the crèche's committees (food, recruitment, hygiene, etc.).
Being part of La Porte entr'ouverte, allows parents to have an invaluable insight into the day-to-day life of their child at the nursery.